Brochures used to be one of the most vital methods for a company to communicate information to current and potential customers. Some companies would produce dozens of small brochures that highlighted specific products or services. They could then hand out just the right ones to someone with a particular interest.
While we would, of course, challenge the notion that “print is dead,” it is true that there is little need for most companies or organizations to have an abundance of brochures available at any time these days. That does not mean that they don’t have a place in today’s digital world.
Like they used to teach journalists, we need to look at the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.

Rather than a dozen different brochures focused on a variety of products and services your business offers, the focus of today’s brochure is YOU! And your company, of course!
What you really need to include in this a story…YOUR STORY. Who started the organization? What event inspired them to do so? What problems or pain points is the company trying to overcome? Make it personal…everyone likes to feel like they know the business owner and that the company is made of real people and not just a faceless corporation. That leads to…
Talk a little about the specific products and services you provide and what benefits they will have for the user. Don’t overdo it, though. Many brochures are both sides of a letter-sized sheet of paper…either folded in half or folded into thirds. There’s not much room and—let’s face it—the attention span of people isn’t what it used to be! Make the points quickly and succinctly, then get out. And give them a web address…because that’s where you will really expand on the products and services section of the brochure!
While we’re talking about “What” I’ll say that unless your brochure is being produced for potential investors in your company, you probably should keep it to that bi-fold or tri-fold size I mentioned in the last paragraph. It’s small and handy…it feels like what a person expects a brochure to be and not a homework reading assignment. If you’re doing a brochure for investors, by all means make it 11×17, folded to letter size with multiple saddle-stitched pages. For that audience, you are trying to provide an overabundance of information.

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to hand out these little marketing gems…business networking meetings, trade shows, cold calls, customers stopping by your office or shop. Especially if your office has a waiting room (like a doctor or dentist)…make sure you have a little brochure holder handy next to where they’ll be sitting. They likely won’t be able to resist the urge to pick up a brochure and read it while waiting. If they take it with them they’ll have your advertisement in their hands (and potentially in front of their face) after they leave the building…and they may take an extra one to give a friend or colleague.
I would say the obvious answer is “Now!” But I might be biased.
Seriously, though, if you don’t have a great brochure for your business, you’re probably already missing out. If you do have one, have you checked it lately to see if it needs to be updated? People in the photos may have left the company. Products and services may have been discontinued or replaced. There could be typos. Review what you have and make sure you don’t want to revise or improve the brochure for the next run.

Brochures are marketing…and a rather integral part of an overall “traditional and digital” marketing strategy at that. They tell the story of your business when you aren’t around to do so. They give customers a reason to think of your brand a day, a week…a month…later…and to tell their friends about it.
They aren’t the only bit of marketing you should be doing, but they are something you should think about seriously.
Talk to your local professional print shop, of course! That’s us, by the way! We have the knowledge and capabilities to design great brochures that tell your story well, then we can print them on a variety of different paper stocks…glossy or matte, light or card-stock. We can design it for traditional cut and fold, or with custom folds and cutting that will get more attention.
Give us a call today to see what we can do for you! 423-661-8031